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sâmbătă, decembrie 31, 2005

la ora 6:50
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Dupa ce stau in continuarea la cretinatatea de inchidere de luna ... si mai am inca cel putin 5 ore ... ( venit de ieri de la 13 ) iata un link despre ce zice un program si ce inseamna, de fapt:

Un an nou bun fericit - daca ma urmareste cineva -sper sa ma trezesc la 12 ;-)

marți, decembrie 27, 2005

cele 10 porunci ale programatorului
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si , ca si cu cele 10 porunci, cele 10 porunci ale programatorului sunt facute pentru ca sunt incalcate!

luni, decembrie 19, 2005

cum se logheaza shutdown
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foarte usor - de copiat ;-)

vineri, decembrie 09, 2005

10 motive de iubit ms
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Adaug si eu unul :daca nu era MS, nu aveam o piine alba de mincat - si pe deasupra cred ca programam in Unix / AIX / Linux... DOS mode

cum sa calatoresti in spatiu cu Nasa
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La adresa asta :

miercuri, decembrie 07, 2005

cum sa scrii thnak you notes dupa interviu
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Mi-am dorit intotdeauna un tutorial despre asa ceva ...

marți, decembrie 06, 2005

scrie job-ul
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Biscuits, gravy and resumes

Ce zice e super adevarat - scrie ce job ti se potriveste - si trimite-i-l
Pe deasupra - lucreaza la MS ;-)

lhotka despre IT
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When you are in IT you have nothing to do with the product. You don’t actually make what the company makes, you make and/or maintain software. The rest of the company does what the company does and you do something else that they don’t understand or like. If anything, you cost them their jobs by automating their tasks, so they don’t like you. Typically you are tolerated as (at best) a way to save the company some money, but more likely as a necessary evil.

When you are a consultant you are the product. You don’t make the product, you are it. You’d think that makes you valuable, but it actually doesn’t. The work you do for clients isn’t the product – in that regard you are essentially a temporary part of IT. Your time itself is the product. To make it worse, clients often dislike you, viewing you as an uncaring mercenary, or as someone out for their job. More commonly clients like but distrust you, expecting that you can’t be worth the rate your company charges for your time.

But working for an ISV you are actually making the product. You are actually the assembly line worker, the engineer, the craftsman. There’s a certain pride to actually doing what the company does that you just don’t get in IT or consulting. However, you get the same respect (in my experience) as an assembly line worker; which is to say not a whole lot. Deadlines are often shorter and harder than in IT or consulting, and what you do or don’t do directly affects the viability of the company and your job.,guid,3f12eb24-31b3-4c66-b8d3-bf3ae0c4d36a.aspx

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