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joi, noiembrie 30, 2006

Linkuri de programare
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Stroustroup despre C++:
I think I know more about the problems with C++ than just about anyone, but I also know how to avoid them and how to use C++'s strengths.
(Exact ce obisnuiesc sa spun si eu despre VB ;-) )

Despre programare la MS

When investigating a piece of code the developer first turns to the code itself: on average
respondents to the survey spent 42% of the time examining the source code, 20% using the
debugger, 16% examining check-in comments or version diffs, 9% examining the results, 8%
using debug or trace statements, and 5% using other means. In other words, the code itself is the
best source of information about the code. However it is not flawless. It is common for
developers to become disoriented in source code, and it is often difficult to discern the
relationships between observed behavior and the source code.

When the code itself does not give the answers the developer needs, one might expect them to
turn next to the vast amount of information that’s written about it – the bug reports, the specs, the design documents, the emails, etc. This however is emphatically not the case.

The second recourse for investigating the rationale behind code is in fact the social network. If
the developer thinks that someone within his team might be able to provide the needed
information (or the name of the person who might), he will walk down the hall to talk with the
teammate. Unplanned, face-to-face meetings happen frequently with teammates, averaging 8.4 in
the prior week, and much less frequently with non-teammates, averaging 2.6. Email is used
instead of face-to-face meetings when the issue is low priority, involves multiple people, or
crosses the team moat, averaging 16.1 sent to teammates in the prior week and 5.9 to nonteammates.
(Note that these data show that communication within the team is much more
common than communication across teams, indicating that the culture of informal communication
works well and that the team boundaries are typically drawn in the right places.)
Once the developer has the desired information, he returns to his office, applies the newfound
information, and gets on with his work. This information is precious: it is demonstrably useful,
demonstrably hard to ascertain from the code, and was obtained at a high cost. Yet it is
exceedingly rare for the developer to write this morsel down anywhere
. The next person who encounters the same information need has to go through the same laborious discovery process. There are plenty of reasons that a developer would choose to not record the information – the overhead of checking the code out, editing it, and checking it back in (possibly triggering checkin review processes, merge conflicts, test suite runs, etc.) is enough to dissuade the developer from recording the information as a comment in the code. But the loss of this precious knowledge is, from an organizational perspective, a crying shame.

De ce am impresia ca asta se intimpla peste tot? Doar ca am intilnit-o si eu ?...

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'Linkuri de programare'


miercuri, noiembrie 29, 2006

sponsorizare si donatie-site
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de intilnit oferta cu cererea

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'sponsorizare si donatie-site'


Validation Code Reuse si Ron Jacobs
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Mi-a placut articolul lui RON despre code reuse pentru validation
O singura observatie, pe care i-am facut-o si lui Ron, dar nu am mai primit raspuns:
El zice:
"Now we can simply add a reference to our validator as a file or in a separate assembly and call away"

Ideea este ca, daca ai 2 assembly care contin aceeasi clasa(chiar si partial) , compilatorul nu numai ca nu le compileaza intr-o clasa... dar si
In rest... are dreptate.
Daca faci acelasi assembly de verificare (BLL) pe WebService si pe Windows, atunci poti face referinta la el... si gata... cu conditia sa schimbi clasa...sau sa ai o interfata

Post page:

Weblog post by 'admin' on 'Validation Code Reuse si Ron Jacobs'


luni, noiembrie 27, 2006

viata de firma programare software - neobisnuita
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Uite ce se intimpla daca faci internationalizarea ca la carte : te dau in judecata  indienii din cauza :
"Microsoft's decision last month to launch its Windows software package in Mapuzugun, a Mapuche tongue spoken by around 400,000 indigenous Chileans, mostly in the south of the country.[...]
But Mapuche tribal leaders have accused the U.S. company of violating their cultural and collective heritage by translating the software into Mapuzugun without their permission."
Si sa mai spuna cineva ca e usor sa fii firma de soft !

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'viata de firma programare software - neobisnuita'


cum am facut sa mearga dasblog1.9
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  1. static ApplicationResourceTable()
                // rm = new ResourceManager("newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.StringTables.StringTables", typeof(Global).Assembly );
                rm = Resources.stringtables.stringtables.ResourceManager;
  2. Schimbat Profile.aspx:public partial class Profilexx si Inherits="newtelligence.DasBlog.Web.Profilexx" si public Profilexx()
  3. AutoEventWireup="false" - pentru toate paginile aspx( replace <%@ Page cu <%@ Page AutoEventWireup="false"  )

Si gata... acum ar trebui sa vad chestia aia cu Cloud cum este...

Post page:

Weblog post by 'admin' on 'cum am facut sa mearga dasblog1.9'


sâmbătă, noiembrie 25, 2006

portable apps si alte linkuri
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De la adresa
o aplicatie care are firefox si clamwin ,7 zip , File Zilla  FTP client , open office

Totul la 252 MB... super!
Si ma uit acum la Mac-on-Stick! ,dar am impresia ca nu o sa reusesc

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'portable apps si alte linkuri'


marți, noiembrie 21, 2006

plugin de Yahoo
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Pentru ca Stalker m-a provocat sa fac un plugin de yahoo, iata rezultatul:

Se pune cu minuta in <Program Files>\Yahoo!\Messenger\Plugin\Test
astfel incit sa existe <Program Files>\Yahoo!\Messenger\Plugin\Test\ContentTab\test.yplugin
Apoi in meniul de yahoo aveti Load Test Plugin ...

Post page:

Weblog post by 'admin' on 'plugin de Yahoo'


miercuri, noiembrie 15, 2006

Web 3.0 si avertismente despre Web2.0
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Nici nu a aparut bine conceptul de Web 2.0, ca si se gindesc oamenii la Web3.0
Dar .. cred ca le-ar prinde bine un dus rece de la Kawasaki, "Before the world implodes (again)" :

De pilda, - cred ca e mort in fasa.
Postezi de pe email pe blog... la ce bun , daca deja orice blog are asa ceva?Si daca vrei neaparat sa faci asa ceva, n-ai decit sa iti faci categorii si sa postezi la un furnizor de email(Google) care sa faca redirect bazat pe filtre de categorii...

Post page:

Weblog post by 'admin' on 'Web 3.0 si avertismente despre Web2.0'


marți, noiembrie 14, 2006

ASP.NET 2.0 theme
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De downloadat de aici :

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'ASP.NET 2.0 theme'


vineri, noiembrie 10, 2006

VHD de downloadat
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Normal , dupa ce formatul VHD a devenit free in urma MOSP
au aparut primele VHD-uri
Windows Server 2003 R2
Exchange Server 2007
SQL Server 2005

De downloadat de aici

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'VHD de downloadat'


cum sa iti valorifici incompententa
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Iarasi Dilbert

Asta , bineinteles, cu Indira Ghandi
Există două tipuri de oameni, cei care muncesc şi cei care primesc meritele. Încearcă să faci parte din primul grup; competiţia este mai puţin acerbă aici

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'cum sa iti valorifici incompententa'


luni, noiembrie 06, 2006

11 cai de a motiva programatorii (si nu numai)
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Cel mai mult mi-a placut cea cu free food...

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Weblog post by 'admin' on '11 cai de a motiva programatorii (si nu numai)'


sâmbătă, noiembrie 04, 2006

distanta erdos intre oameni
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Poate  intre blog-uri ar fi mai usor de vazut o distanta Erdos (link RO si EN)
Dar cum ar fi de calculat pentru oameni in general ?Si , de fapt, cum ii identifici?

Ramine tot pentru blog=uri

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'distanta erdos intre oameni'


vineri, noiembrie 03, 2006

arbo media
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Am vrut sa ma inregistrez pe arbomedia cu infovalutar .Si tot felul de chestii destul de jenante.
1.Inregistrarea este neintuitiva - ce cauta la pagina cimpurile Intrebare de verificare:  si Raspuns? Bineinteles ca , in plus, raspunsul nu poate sa fie de 1 caracter...)
2. Ti se trimite email cu un alt user + parola - cica sa te loghezi cu dupa aceea sa iti schimbi user-ul ...Nu ar fi fost mai simplu sa iti trimita un link de verificare + parola?
3.Dupa ce ai intrat, la Help  nu are nimic - iar tot site-ul este in Engleza (ma rog, poate ca un domeniu .ro se adreseaza in principal pietii din SUA...)
4.Nu face diferenta intre cei care vor sa plateasca pentru reclama si cei care vor sa fie platiti, punind pe site reclama... dar ghici, ce e default pe site?

Sugestii simple:
1. Inregistrare cu email
2. Trimitere email de confirmare ( cu link inauntru si parola)
3. La accesare link, cerere parola -si gata....

Post page:

Weblog post by 'admin' on 'arbo media'


miercuri, noiembrie 01, 2006

dilbert si viata personala
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de la dilbert citire:

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Weblog post by 'admin' on 'dilbert si viata personala'


Peer-to-peer gets personal
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Interesant modul de afacere descris aici :

Dar sunt afaceri pe scara mare, de pilda, Fabrik :
Fabrik has raised $12 million in funding [and..] recently launched Myfabrik offers 1 gigabyte for free and then charges a monthly fee of 49 cents per gigabyte thereafter

Dureros - 12 milioane - comparat cu 50 de centi per GB !
Dar ce conexiune buna trebuie sa ai ca sa profiti de asa ceva ...

Post page:

Weblog post by 'admin' on 'Peer-to-peer gets personal'

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