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marți, ianuarie 29, 2008

linq si defered execution
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The following sample shows how query execution is deferred until the query is enumerated at a foreach statement.

public void Linq99() {
// Sequence operators form first-class queries that
// are not executed until you enumerate over them.

int[] numbers = new int[] { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };

int i = 0;
var q =
from n in numbers
select ++i;

Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);
// Note, the local variable 'i' is not incremented
// until each element is evaluated (as a side-effect):
foreach (var v in q) {
Console.WriteLine("v = {0}, i = {1}", v, i);

Ce valoare are i cind se executa Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);  ? Raspuns : 0!

Rezultat :

i = 0
v = 1, i = 1
v = 2, i = 2
v = 3, i = 3
v = 4, i = 4
v = 5, i = 5
v = 6, i = 6
v = 7, i = 7
v = 8, i = 8
v = 9, i = 9
v = 10, i = 10

Al doilea exemplu :
The following sample shows how queries can be executed immediately with operators such as ToList().

public void Linq100() {
// Methods like ToList() cause the query to be
// executed immediately, caching the results.

int[] numbers = new int[] { 5, 4, 1, 3, 9, 8, 6, 7, 2, 0 };

int i = 0;
var q = (
from n in numbers
select ++i )

Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);
// The local variable i has already been fully
// incremented before we iterate the results:
foreach (var v in q) {
Console.WriteLine("v = {0}, i = {1}", v, i);

Ce valoare are i cind se executa Console.WriteLine("i = {0}", i);  ? Raspuns : 10!
Rezultat :
i = 10
v = 1, i = 10
v = 2, i = 10
v = 3, i = 10
v = 4, i = 10
v = 5, i = 10
v = 6, i = 10
v = 7, i = 10
v = 8, i = 10
v = 9, i = 10
v = 10, i = 10

De asemenea m-a impresionat CreateDatabase();  - desi cred ca era mai impresionant pe generics...
Abia astept versiunea pentru access - sa vezi atunci export import...

La fel , m-a impresionat inheritance cu ajutorul lui [InheritanceMapping(Code="Shipper", Type=typeof(ShipperContact))] si 
[Column(Storage="_ContactType", DbType="NVarChar(50)", IsDiscriminator=true)]

public void LinqToSqlInheritance03()
    var cons = from c in db.Contacts
               where c is ShipperContact
               select c;

    ObjectDumper.Write(cons, 0);

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